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  1. If you're in the market for the best anti aging moisturizer then you need to know a few things before you buy. Being armed with some basic information about skincare products and anti aging products can be very useful.

    Many anti aging moisturizers, and in fact many skin care products in general contain ingredients which may not be good to your health and may also not be good for your skin. As well as being potentially harmful to your health they are also Anti-Ageing Face Oil ineffective at moisturizing. I'll give you some examples.
  2. A very common ingredient in skin care products including moisturizers, but also found in many other products such as cosmetics, personal, body, baby and beauty products, is mineral oil. Mineral oil is a petrochemical product derived from the distillation of crude oil. It is used in those products mentioned for one reason, it is extremely cheap. In fact it is cheaper to buy mineral oil than it is to dispose of it.

    Mineral oil in anti ageing facial moisturizers is not effective at increasing moisture levels in the skin. It is intended merely to stop moisture loss by forming a thin layer of oil over the surface of the skin so that moisture cannot be lost from the skin.

    Mineral oil has no demonstrated moisturizing properties of it's own.
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